Point development gathers momentum
Infrastructure roll out for the massive Point development will begin in June. It’s all systems go for the revolutionary Point Waterfront development with the infrastructure roll-out plan for the project expected to begin in June [2016]. A project update report on the development was tabled before the Executive Committee this week, outlining challenges and changes … Continue reading “Point development gathers momentum”

Catalytic projects to inject millions into City’s economy
eThekwini Municipality’s multi-billion rand strategic and catalytic projects are set to increase the city’s rates income and create much needed job opportunities, writes Nondumiso Mathomane. The city of Durban is poised for massive growth from several major catalytic projects over the next few years which will transform eThekwini’s landscape and create thousands of investment and … Continue reading “Catalytic projects to inject millions into City’s economy”

One Stop Shop to help investors cut through red tape
DURBAN is set to attract hundreds of millions of rand with the launch of its One Stop Shop which was unveiled at the Elangeni Hotel this week. Mayor of eThekwini, James Nxumalo, said the initiative would help reignite economic growth and make it easier to do business. The One Stop Shop will help improve the … Continue reading “One Stop Shop to help investors cut through red tape”

A look at the R6 billion Durban waterfront project
The eThekwini executive committee is set to break ground on the Durban Point Waterfront project, which will see the city’s coastal skyline changed by skyscrapers and high-rise developments. According to a report by Iol, infrastructure roll-out for the development is set to start in June 2016, where development will continue in preparation for the 2022 … Continue reading “A look at the R6 billion Durban waterfront project”